Diploma in Community Development at Taita Taveta University College (TTUC) - TTUC

Diploma in Community Development
Taita Taveta University College
Mode of Study
Entry Requirements
Be a holder of KCSE and grades C- in English or Kiswahili OR Be a holder of KCE division II with credit pass in English or Kiswahili OR Be a holder of KCSE C- and a relevant certificate with credit pass OR Be a holder of any other qualification accepted by the senate as any of equivalent to any of the above.
KCSE Meangrade
Course Duration
4 sememsters
Tuition Fees
KES 25 per semester
Application Procedure
Applications for the courses shall be made on official application forms which are available from the Office of the Registrar (Academic, Research & Outreach) Taita Taveta University College Voi or from the University College Website: www.ttuc.ac.ke Duly completed application forms must be returned to Taita Taveta University College upon payment of a non-refundable application fee of Kshs1,500/= for degree courses, 1,000/= for Diploma courses and 500/= for certificate and Bridging in Mathematics courses. Payment for the form should be made in cash or bankers cheque to the following bank account: Kenya Commercial Bank, (KCB) VOI Branch, and Account Number: 1136119140; Account Name: Taita Taveta University. Or Equity Bank, Voi Branch: Account name: Taita Taveta University College, Account No: 0790299712769. Applications together with the bank deposit slip should be returned to: The Registrar (ARO) P.O. BOX: 635-80300 VOI; Email: registrar-aro@ttuc.ac.ke
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