Higher Education News from Kenya and all around the world

Challenges Facing Kenyan Youth

The youth have been facing have been facing a lot of challenges in the past years hence barring them from achieving their full potential in the society. This are but a few of their problems. i. Employment creation There are about 500,000 youth who graduate from various tertiary institutions

By Janet Read More

The Difference between IGCSE and 8-4-4 System of learning

In 1985 former Kenyan President Daniel Arap Moi, introduced the 8-4-4 System of education in Kenya. This system adopted 8 years of primary education, 4 years of secondary education and 4 years of university education. Since 1985, public education in Kenya curriculum has been based on an 8-4-4 s

By Janet Read More

Kenyatta University (KU) Application Forms

Application Forms for Kenyatta University (KU) Interested in pursuing a course at Kenyatta University (KU) University but don't know where to obtain application forms? You have come to the right place. You can download the application form from one the links below, fill it in then drop it

By Janet Read More

Opportunities for Higher Education Funding in Kenya

USAID HIGHER EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME   There are a total of 18 higher education scholarships offered by USAID to Kenyan students. These scholarships are offered to students from marginalized communities in Eastern and North Eastern regions and urban slums of Nairobi. The program t

By Janet Read More

The Kenyan Education System

The school follows the Kenyan primary school curriculum, which is similar in many ways to that in the UK.This is because Kenya was a British Colony before gaining her independence in 1963. Primary school in Kenya lasts for eight years, from the ages of six to fourteen years old, however as prog

By Janet Read More

E Students in KCSE get a rare chance to become KWS rangers

It is said that for one to succeed in life,one has to score a good grade in school like an A or a B. This has led many students to think that if they fail to get a good grade their deemed to fail in life. Some have even gone as far as commiting suicide or thinking of doing so. This can be

By Janet Read More

Tighten your belts please, HELB Loans to be Delayed.

More than 50,000 students joining university this year will go for nearly two months without government sponsorship following delays in disbursing higher education loan funds by the Treasury. Higher Education Loans Board (Helb), the agency charged with disbursing the loans to students, Thursday s

By Janet Read More

Juvenile Centres

Juvenile detention centers house kids up to age 18 who have committed offenses ranging from habitually running away to assault. Adolescents are sent there by juvenile judges, rather than adult courts. Although they are restrictive facilities, their purpose is not necessarily punitive. Rather, their

By Janet Read More

Applications are now open for the Huawei Technologies Internship program

The Huawei Technologies Internship program is an initiative of Huawei and ICT Authority is looking for talented University students in their 3rd, 4th or 5th year of study and specializing in Engineering. The program, named 'Telecom Seeds for the future' is open to Kenyan nationals from recog

By Janet Read More

What Next after KCSE? Search and Explore all Courses You Qualify for in Kenya

KCSE results are out, some candidates performed well and are assured of a place in a public university through JAB placement, but others didn’t quite achieve the grade they hoped for.  To the second group, there’s a lot of stress and anxiety during this period regarding what

By Janet Read More