Primary and Secondary Schools in Meru County in Kenya

School Name Sub-County School Level
601 Kinoro Secondary School Igoji Secondary
602 Kinoro Spring View Imenti South Primary
603 Kinoru Day Secondary School Imenti North Secondary
604 Kinoru Primary School Imenti North Primary
605 Kinwe Primary School Tigania Central Primary
606 Kinyanka Primary School Igembe South Primary
607 Kinyenjere Primary School Buuri East Primary
608 Kiolo AIPCA Day and Boarding Primary Igembe North Primary
609 Kiolo Primary School Mutuati Primary
610 Kionyo Day Secondary School Abogeta Secondary
611 Kionyo Primary School Abogeta Primary
612 Kiorimba Mixed Day Tigania West Secondary
613 Kiranga Primary School Buuri West Primary
614 Kiraria Mck Imenti North Primary
615 Kiremu Primary School Tigania East Primary
616 Kireru Primary School Igoji Primary
617 Kiria Day Secondary School Meru Central Secondary
618 Kiria Learners Academy Meru Central Primary
619 Kiriene Brd Tigania Central Primary
620 Kiriene Day Tigania East Primary
621 Kiriene Mixed Day and Girls Boarding Secondary School Tigania East Secondary
622 Kirigara Day Secondary School Meru Central Secondary
623 Kirigara Girls Secondary School Meru Central Secondary
624 Kirigara Primary School Meru Central Primary
625 Kirige High Secondary School Imenti North Secondary
626 Kirige Secondary School Imenti North Secondary
627 Kirima Primary School Tigania East Primary
628 Kirima Ucuuma Tigania Central Primary
629 Kirimaitune Primary School Imenti East Primary
630 Kirimara Primary School Buuri East Primary
631 Kirindara Primary School Igembe North Primary
632 Kirindara Secondary School Igembe North Secondary
633 Kirindine Eapc Tigania West Primary
634 Kirindine Secondary School Igembe South Secondary
635 Kiringa Primary School Abogeta Primary
636 Kiringo Junior Academy Igembe South Primary
637 Kiringo Primary School Buuri East Primary
638 Kirirwa Primary School Meru Central Primary
639 Kirirwa Secondary School Meru Central Secondary
640 Kirogine Primary School Abogeta Primary
641 Kiromwathi Primary School Mutuati Primary
642 Kironya Primary School Buuri East Primary
643 Kiroone Primary School Igoji Primary
644 Kirua SDA Buuri East Primary
645 Kirukire Mixed Day Secondary School Tigania West Secondary
646 Kirukire Primary School Tigania West Primary
647 Kirwiro Primary School Meru Central Primary
648 Kisima Secondary School Buuri West Secondary
649 Kisimani Primary School Igembe South Primary
650 Kithaene Primary School Abogeta Primary