Primary and Secondary Schools in Bungoma County in Kenya

School Name Sub-County School Level
1 Abigail School Bungoma East Primary
2 Aburi ACK Primary Mt Elgon Primary
3 AC Butonge Secondary School Bungoma West Secondary
4 ACK Chebukuyi Bungoma West Primary
5 ACK Chelekei Secondary School Kimilili Secondary
6 ACK Khasoko Bumula Primary
7 ACK Madeleine Bungoma South Primary
8 ACK Tembelela Primary Bungoma West Primary
9 ACK the Good Shepherd Kibabii Bungoma South Secondary
10 ACK Tulienge Secondary School Bungoma West Secondary
11 Advent Junior Bungoma East Primary
12 Agape Belennia Academy Bungoma South Primary
13 AIC Bugaa Mixed Secondary School Mt Elgon Secondary
14 Allan Bradley Kamusinga Kimilili Primary
15 Almond Complex Bungoma South Primary
16 Anevah Education Centre Kimilili Primary
17 Archbishop Wabukala Bungoma North Primary
18 Aspirations Academic Centre Kamukuywa Kimilili Primary
19 Atsifana Education Centre Bungoma North Primary
20 Aviator Pwani Bungoma North Primary
21 Babra Academy Bungoma Central Primary
22 Bakisa DEB Bungoma East Primary
23 Bakisa Girls Secondary School Bungoma East Secondary
24 Bakisa SA Bungoma East Primary
25 Banan-tega Primary School Kopsiro Primary
26 Baraki Ersf Bungoma Central Primary
27 Baraki Secondary School Bungoma Central Secondary
28 Base Academy Chebukaka Bungoma Central Primary
29 Becam School Kimilili Primary
30 Ben Elite Misanga Bungoma South Primary
31 Ben Kapten Webuye West Primary
32 Bethel Primary School Bungoma West Primary
33 Bethesda Girls Secondary School Bungoma South Secondary
34 Bidii Nyange Bungoma North Primary
35 Bikhutu SDA Cheptais Primary
36 Bilibili Fym Bungoma North Primary
37 Bilibili Special School Bungoma North Primary
38 Biliso Rc Bumula Primary
39 Binyenya Girls Secondary School Bungoma West Secondary
40 Binyenya Rc Bungoma North Primary
41 Binyenya SA Bungoma West Primary
42 Birunda PAG Primary School Tongaren Primary
43 Birunda PAG Secondary School Tongaren Secondary
44 Bishop Anyolo Kakamwe Secondary School Bungoma North Secondary
45 Bishop Atundo Kimaeti Secondary School Kimaeti Secondary
46 Bishop Atundo Secondary School Mabusi Bungoma North Secondary
47 Bishop E Wabukala ACK Malakisi Bungoma West Secondary
48 Bishop Mechumo Maeni ACK Bungoma West Primary
49 Bishop Okiring Kamuneru Mt Elgon Secondary
50 Bisuche ACK Kimaeti Primary