Master of Science(Agriculture and Applied Economics) at The University of Nairobi (UON) - Upper Kabete Campus

Master of Science(Agriculture and Applied Economics)
The University of Nairobi
Upper Kabete Campus
Mode of Study
Entry Requirements
The common regulations governing Masters programmes in all faculties, institutes and schools shall apply. Applications will be considered from graduates in any field and professionals in mid-career, provided they satisfy prerequisites considered necessary to succeed in a rigorous program of study and research. The following shall be eligible for admission: Holders of at least an Upper Second Class Honours degree or equivalent qualification in Agriculture, Food Science, and Range Management or in any other subject area judged relevant from a University recognized by Senate. Holders of Lower Second Class Honours degree in the same disciplines as in 2.3.1 from the University of Nairobi or from another University recognized by Senate, with at least two years relevant research experience, with supporting publications. Holders of a Pass degree in the same disciplines as in 2.3.1 and a relevant postgraduate diploma from a recognized University or at least five years of field experience and evidence of research publication since graduation. Holders of equivalent qualifications from other Universities recognized by the University of Nairobi senate.
Course Duration
2 Years
Application Procedure
Application Procedure