Mean Grade C Minus
Artisan Certificate - KCPE and above
Certificate in BTEP/TIVET & TEP D and above
Diploma in BTEP/TIVET & TEP C - and above
Certificate in BMC - Mean grade of D+ in Math or Commerce & C in English
Diploma BMC - Mean grade of C Plain with C in Math or Commerece & C in English
Higher Diploma - Acceptable by the examiner
Advanced Diploma - Diploma
Associate Degree - Advanced Diploma or Higher Diploma or Graduate Diploma
N.B (i) Examination Fees varies with Examination Boby
(ii) Fees provided is the minimum per course
1. Admission Fees kSHS. 1,000 6. Student Card Fees Kshs. 200
2. ID Photocopy 7. 2 Passport size photographs
3. Copies of Certification 8. Copy of Birth Certificate
4. Library Fees Kshs. 2,500 per year 9. T-shirt fee Kshs. 1,200 per year
5. Practicals Kshs. 2,000 per term 10. Activity Fee Kshs. 500 per term
(Hotel & Catering, Engineering & Journalism)
Jasho House Campus
Kisii Campus
Development house Campus
Kitengela Campus